Holy Communion-  St. John's offers communion at every worship service.  All guests who are accustomed to receiving communion at their home congregations are welcome at the LORD's table.  First Communion instruction is offered to 5th g…

Holy Communion-  St. John's offers communion at every worship service.  All guests who are accustomed to receiving communion at their home congregations are welcome at the LORD's table.  First Communion instruction is offered to 5th graders, however, all who have received instruction are welcome regardless of age.

Baptisms happen during regular worships services of the congregation and are celebrated for the gift of God poured out through water and Word.  Through baptism, God claims us and makes us children of God.  St. John's offers regular Pre-Bap…

Baptisms happen during regular worships services of the congregation and are celebrated for the gift of God poured out through water and Word.  Through baptism, God claims us and makes us children of God.  St. John's offers regular Pre-Baptism classes for those interested in scheduling a baptism.

Funerals-  St. John's is a community of believers that walks with families during illness and death.  Pastors and congregation join together in announcing God's love in the midst of suffering and death.  Most funerals are for people c…

Funerals-  St. John's is a community of believers that walks with families during illness and death.  Pastors and congregation join together in announcing God's love in the midst of suffering and death.  Most funerals are for people connected in some way to the St. John's story, but are also offered to those without a church home.  

God's word comes to us through scripture and proclamation.  St. John's follows a Narrative Lectionary for regular readings in worship and uses the New Revised Standard Version as the preferred bible translation for worship.  

God's word comes to us through scripture and proclamation.  St. John's follows a Narrative Lectionary for regular readings in worship and uses the New Revised Standard Version as the preferred bible translation for worship.  

Weddings- If you are planning a wedding, congratulations!  If St. John's is part of your plans, contact the church offie and set up an initial meeting with a pastor.  You can also review the St. John's Wedding Handbook to get some addition…

Weddings- If you are planning a wedding, congratulations!  If St. John's is part of your plans, contact the church office and set up an initial meeting with a pastor.  You can also review the St. John's Wedding Handbook to get some additional information.  Click here for Wedding Handbook